Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Guys

     Prince Charming-- he's handsome, gentleman-like, and an all around "great catch" for the princesses. Everyone knows who he is, or at least, we think we do. My question today is, "Who are the heroes of our love stories, and would any girl really want to spend a 'happily ever after' with one of them?" Well, let's take a closer look: 

The Heroes

Prince Charming
Story: Cinderella
Physical Description: Tall, handsome, charming, etc. Seems not to posses actual teeth; just one white block that shows when he smiles
Good Qualities: Yeah, I couldn't think of any, either
Bad Qualities: Doesn't have any personality, fails even to introduce himself properly* and/or make conversation, is bored with the rest of the world, and only likes Cinderella for her beauty (do you think if she showed up at the ball in her servant's clothes that he would've even looked at her?)

Story: Wuthering Heights
Physical Description: Handsome, strong, and dark-skinned
Good Qualities: Seems to have found a way to look past Catherine's terrible personality, is a hard worker, and never gives up**
Bad Qualities: Insane. Insane. Insane. Insane. Likes revenge just a tad too much. Insane. Insane. Insane.

Story: Twilight
Physical Description: Handsome, sparkly, and golden-eyed
Good Qualities: Loves Bella a ton, despite her ditziness, and is very good at protecting her
Bad Qualities: Over-protective, drinks blood, would eat Bella if he didn't have a conscience, and possibly has no soul

Story: Romeo and Juliet
Physical Description: Shakespeare doesn't really say
Good Qualities: Awesomely romantic, says sweet things that would make any girl love him, brave
Bad Qualities: Possibly twice Juliet's age, Montague (if you're a Capulet, that's a really bad quality), and has very little loyalty when it comes to girls*** 

     So I ask you, female readers of my blog: would you really want to marry any of those guys and live with them ever after? Personally, I would say no. But you've got to think about it for yourself.

Thanks for listening,

*Did you know that in Disney's Cinderella, the prince doesn't even know her name?
**Did you know that it Heathcliff spends several years getting his revenge on everyone?
***Did you know that at the beginning of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is actually in love with some other girl?  


  1. Did you not do Jacob not to upset Ecat or did you just forget about him? Cause it's kinda creepy to want to kill a baby one minute and be in complete and utter love with it the next all before it's even an hour old.

  2. yes. billy...i like how you actually called me ecat. highly entertaining. its not that i LIKE jacob necessarily, its that of the two, i dislike him the least.
