Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Girl Friday

     Introducing....... washer of windows, organizer of files, mover of boxes, cutter of yarn, and cleaner of all things, Maggs, the amazing Girl Friday! Yes, that's right, folks, I, Maggs, sole authoress of Life as a Starving Poet, have finally, finally, found a summer job. Well, it's not really a real job, shall we say-- it's more of an I-help-out-doing-odd-chores-for-one-of-the-local-businesses-in-hopes-of-receiving-odd-gift-certificates-and-random-pocket-change sort of thing, but still. Coupons for free ice cream and a handful of quarters is better than nothing, which was my previous salary. 
     So you may be wondering, what exactly is a Girl Friday? Well, according to many on-line dictionaries, a Girl Friday is, "an especially loyal female worker who serves an executive by doing all sorts of chores that need to be done in an office setting." Yup, that sounds about right.
     Today was my first day on the job, and what a day. First things first, I didn't even know that I was going to be working today. It just so happened that my mom and I were out running errands, and she decided to stop by said local business and touch base, as we had discussed the possibility of the owner, whom I'll call Miss Boss, having me around for a couple of days to basically help with whatever was needed. As it turned out, they had a bunch of stuff that needed doing, and I was put to work right away. Among other things, I was assigned to the task of preparing 26 gift bags for a promotional event the company is doing later this week. For the previously mentioned bags, I spent 45 minutes cutting little slips of paper (business cards, if you will) and arranging them in precise stacks of eight, paper-clipping said stacks together, and depositing one in each bag. After that, I proceeded to cut out exactly 26 pieces of string, each 25 feet long, also to go in the bags (in case you're wondering, the string is for a game at the outing later this week). I did all this as the local "Hits of the Seventies" radio station played in the background. "Dancing Queen, only 17....." Let's just say I've heard enough ABBA to last me a lifetime.
     And that, folks, was my first day on the job. Here's to many more!

Thanks for listening,
Maggs :) 

Friday, July 1, 2011

What's on Your Bucket List?

     I have recently, as of about a month ago, begun to compile a list of 101 things I want to do before I die. Slightly morbid, yes, however, very important. As my teachers have always told me, "It's good to have goals. Goals make you a better person. Goals help you lead a productive life. Everyone should have at least a few goals." Etc, etc, etc. However annoying these statements may have been, they certainly worked on me. Teachers: 1 Student: 0
     My list is what I'd call, mmmmm, eclectic. It includes everything from traveling the world to kissing the Blarney Stone to graduating college. In addition  to these, I'd also like to beat my school's marching arch-nemesis, see the Northern Lights, fall in love, meet a ninja, go hang gliding, learn to speak Spanish fluently, and participate in a flash mob. And that's just the beginning! 
     So today I ask you, my readers, what's on your bucket list? Do you long to go snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef? Is it your heart's desire to learn Swahili? Are you wishing for a winning lottery ticket? Or maybe hoping to have kids? Either way, I suggest you sit yourself down and begin to write out a bucket list-- a to-do list of epic proportions, shall we say. After all, knowing what you want is the first step to getting it.

Thanks for listening and keep on wishing,
Yours truly,
Maggs :)