First up: the candidates. I'll introduce the elves, my personal favorites, first. The good things about elves are as follows: they are like upgraded humans, they live for a very long time, they speak a cool and exotic language, and they are generally known for their speed and skills. On the other hand, there are the wizards. They rock because: they have all sorts of magic up their sleeves, most good fantasy stories have at least one wizard (or witch) in them, they actually are humans, and one word: Dumbledore.
Next, I'd like to say thanks to all the people who participated in my survey. I was very grateful when you took me seriously, and also a little bit surprised because I didn't get any questions regarding the survey. Everyone I asked just considered the choices and answered. So thanks, people, for making it relatively easy.
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for: the results!
Out of all 50 people who were surveyed, nine were undecided, twenty-one were for the wizards, and the other twenty agreed with me and voted for the elves. And because this is the website of a starving poet, and because the wizards did win, I present you with this:
With magic up his sleeves,
and a feather in his cap,
on round, green doors,
with his staff he does tap.
A head of bushy hair,
and a loving, kindly heart.
Our favorite young witch
is impossible to out-smart.
And last but not least
comes the best of them all.
with words like oddment, tweak and blubber,
he heads Hogwarts Hall.
Copyright MPK 2010, all rights reserved, unauthorized use is prohibited.
Congratulations, wizard-lovers! you've won (for now).
Thanks for listening!
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